Happy List! – March 18, 2011

Things that make me happy… RIGHT NOW!


Sometimes I have to take myself back to a more innocent time, a time when Tony & Angela’s dance scene to “Stepping Out” was the epitome of love and romance… and remember that it still took them 4 more years to get together.

Hoping for the courage to believe that love still exists.


~ by sillyauntjen on March 19, 2011.

One Response to “Happy List! – March 18, 2011”

  1. My thoughts are with you, Jen! It WILL happen, and you being happy with yourself despite not having your perfect love yet, is the first step to that love finding you.

    My happy thing yesterday was bittersweet… we had a farewell party for my manager, who is leaving us Tuesday. She’s seriously such a great person, and the best manager an employee could ask for. I am going to miss her so much. It was wonderful to see all the regular customers of the store come in and bid their farewells, give gifts, etc. You can see how loved she was at our little shop! I wish her all the best in her future endeavors… we love you Julie! ❤

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